Përshëndetje, welcome to Albania!
Motto: "Ti, Shqiperi, me jep nder, me jep emrin Shqiptar" which means 'You Albania give me honor, give me the name Albanian'
- Albania is located in Europe bordering Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Greece.
- The flag of Albania has a red background with a black double-headed eagle at the center.
- The capital city of Albania is Tirana with a population of more than 370,000 people.
- Another city of Albania is Durres with more than 100,000 people.
- Official language: Albanian, with two dialects Tosk from the South and Gheg from the North.
- National Animal: Golden Eagle
- National Flower: Red Poppy
- Albania traditional clothing
- National Sport: Soccer/ Football
- And, anybody's favorite: Food
Tavë Kosi
Pistachio Baklava
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